Signed Copy of Hello Morning
Signed Copy of Hello Morning
From the outside Shae's life looks perfect. Great job, great boyfriend, great apartment… but looks can be deceiving. She has spent all her life trying to make other people happy, surviving on the approval of others. But now, Shae has reached her breaking point. She must make a decision: continue life as she has always known it, or break free from her pattern and take a chance at true happiness. It seems like an easy choice, but does she have the strength to make it?
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"Satya Nelms' first novella, Hello Morning, describes the life of a woman (Shae) struggling to leave the gripping and abusive relationship that has become all she knows in life. Shae strives to empower herself to leave and become confident in her own skin. With the help of a stranger, who quickly becomes a close friend, Shae breaks through the clouds enveloping her life and starts down a new path towards happiness.
Entering a new phase of life that is extremely different than the previous is scary and filled with unknowns. It takes a lot of power to see past what seems "normal" and recognize that this place is not where you want to be. Hello Morning outlines how important it is to stand up for yourself, even if that takes a little help from friends. The strength that Shae embraces can help to show all of us, in any hard situation, that while it might seem as though everything is lost, one should still try to push through towards the ideal. It might take a few tries, but the important thing is to keep trying.
Hello Morning is a book that belongs on everyone's shelves. Forget about what is normal and move towards what makes you happy." -Maggie R.
"I loved reading HELLO MORNING! You handled such a complicated topic with grace, nuance, and compassion. I particularly loved the fairy tale aspect of it, that by getting lost in the woods and with the help of strangers turned fairy godfriends, happily ever after is a choice you get to make again and again in life. Really inspiring. Thank you for putting it out there, and here's to the next one!!!!" -Teri L.