lewis howes

Personal Statement Plan

This is the last exercise I will be sharing from Lewis Howes book, "The School of Greatness." You can check out the other exercises I did here

The Personal Statement Plan (PSP) is exactly what it sounds like. It is a roadmap for your life. In the plan you create goals and steps toward achieving those goals for every aspect of your life from family and relationships to business and inner growth. If I were to share all of that here it would be pages long, so I'm just going to share my favorite parts.

Who Am I?

When I think about who I am, the first thing that comes to mind is all of my labels: writer, creator, mother, wife, friend, sister, woman, Black, etc. But when I think about who I am beyond all of those things, I believe that I am a unique expression of divine energy that is both separate from, and a part of all energy. My labels are merely channels for that energy.

What Do I stand For?

I stand for creative expression and love and community building and nature and maternal rights and human rights. I stand for a world where everyone can find a place to be happy, healthy, whole and loved. 


Who are you? What do you stand for?

Personal Principles Declaration

Here's another one of my favorite exercises from, "The School of Greatness," by Lewis Howes. Check my previous post for another favorite. 

The Personal Principles Declaration (PPD). The PPD is a statement about who you strive to be and what you will stand for in your life. It's a set of guiding principles you create for yourself to live by. Here are mine:


1. Come from a place of love 

2. Be honest with yourself and those around you

3. Believe in abundant possibilities 

4. Choose happiness

5. Change what you can, accept what you can't, learn and move forward


I expect these principles will be easiest to live by when everything is running smoothly, but I will make a point of reminding myself of them when I'm having a rough time, because that may actually be when I need them the most. 

Perfect Day Itinerary

I had the best time last month reading Lewis Howes, "School of Greatness." My husband first shared Howes podcast of the same name with me, and while I enjoy listening to it from time to time, the book really blew me away. There was an exercise at the end of every chapter, and so I decided I would share some of them with you. 

First Up! Perfect Day Itinerary (PDI)!

Perfect Day Itinerary (PDI)- In this exercise you map out what your perfect day would look like when you're on the path to the life you've envisioned for yourself. Here's mine:

On my perfect day I wake up to sunlight streaming through my window and the gentle sounds of quiet. My husband, the love of my life, my best friend, is still asleep beside me. I kiss him on the forehead and tip-toe out of our room. I go outside on our porch and sit in the rocking chair as I sip a cup of tea and begin journaling. I meditate before walking through the garden, stopping to feed and visit the chicken, and collect fresh eggs for breakfast. After spending time with my children and husband over breakfast, I got to my office to write for a while. After that I check email and make sure that all benchmarks and action items have been taken care of for the upcoming camps I have created to foster creativity, build community and empower. I send my editor the latest draft of my latest book, and figure out which stops my family will join me for on my upcoming book tour. I am done with all of this no later than 3pm in the afternoon, and the rest of the day is spent reading, coloring, cooking, watching movies and spending time with those I love. When I lay my head on the pillow that night, I feel incredibly grateful and blessed for all the happiness and fulfillment my life holds. 


What does your perfect day look like?